
Dave Bogart

After having the privilege of serving the Liberty Elementary School District community for over 30 years as a teacher, vice principal and principal, it is my honor to endorse Kellie Zimmerman and Sarah Schmidt for Liberty Elementary Governing Board.  As a long-time principal, I have attended hundreds of board meetings and know without question that Kellie and Sarah are well-qualified and ready to become school board members who represent our community with integrity and transparency.  

 I met Kellie eleven years ago when she was a substitute teacher at Westar Elementary.  I got to know her better when her boys attended school at Westar and she served as both Vice President and President of Westar’s PTO.  I saw Kellie’s leadership skills in action as her group provided family-centered events and raised money to support our students and teachers in the classroom.  

Sarah is a former public school biology teacher who has served as PTO President and a consistent volunteer at her son’s school for the last five years.

 As a principal, I know how important it is to have board members who will always make decisions that are student-centered.  As former public school classroom teachers, Kellie and Sarah understand that public school districts must meet the needs of every single student. I am confident that they will use their voices to advocate for the students of this district with every decision they make. 

Retired Westar Principal

Robert Cobb

Veteran, Fire Chief, 9/11 First responder and Liberty Grandparent

As a retired JCFD deputy fire chief, 9-11 first-responder, and Vietnam Veteran, I deeply understand the importance of great leadership. This is why I am endorsing Kellie Zimmerman and Sarah Schmidt for the Liberty Elementary #25 Governing Board. Kellie and Sarah will be a refreshing addition to the board, bringing integrity back to our district.

Over the last nine years, I have had the pleasure of getting to know Kellie through my grandson's sports teams and as a volunteer at their school, EMES. Her dedication to the students of Liberty is unwavering. She will fight for what is best for all students, bringing a sense of professionalism and integrity that our board currently lacks.

Kellie and Sarah’s unique experience as a dedicated parents, volunteers, and teachers makes them exceptionally qualified for this role. They handle themselves with professionalism and poise, always acting in the best interest of all kids. Their ability to listen to seek understanding and act respectfully sets her apart. They are effective communicators who will listen to all stakeholders, including parents, teachers, and students.  Kellie and Sarah are flexible, empathetic, and confident, qualities that are crucial for effective leadership.

I have no doubt that Kellie and Sarah will serve our district with honor. Together, with her leadership, we will restore what makes Liberty great!

Adam D’Anthony

I am writing to personally endorse Kellie Zimmerman and Sarah Schmidt for the Governing Board of LESD #25. It's time we take a stand and restore the values of integrity and dignity within our school district.

Having served for 20 years in the US Air Force, I understand the qualities that define a strong and dignified leader. Additionally, my experience as a substitute teacher for LESD #25 and my connection as the husband of a former LESD teacher and reading interventionist have given me a unique perspective on the challenges we face today.

It’s become increasingly clear to me that the current board leadership has led us down a path of fear and intimidation. We are witnessing the loss of valuable teachers and families within our community, and it's a trend that must be reversed. We should be prioritizing our students, families, and teachers over personal egos and hidden agendas.

Kellie Zimmerman and Sarah Schmidt have the necessary skills and leadership expertise to guide us through this critical time. I believe they are the right choice to help us turn things around and restore the dignity and integrity of our district.

Let’s stand together for a brighter future for LESD #25.

Liberty Parent, MSgt US Air Force (Ret)

Angela perrone

I am pleased to endorse Kellie Zimmerman and Sarah Schmidt for the Liberty Governing Board.  I was on the Westar PTO board for eight years and served as President for three years.  All three of my boys attended Westar, and it was important to me as a parent to support my children’s school and teachers.  As a parent and volunteer leader, I know the importance of having school board members who are active in the community, and who will put the interests of our students at the forefront.  Kellie and Sarah have always been open to all perspectives and I know they will continue to offer a listening ear to parents and staff alike as they makes decisions.  

 Kellie and I worked together on PTO and I know from first-hand experience that Kellie’s passion and dedication to our students and parents is unmatched.  She worked collaboratively with our PTO leadership team to plan and implement family activities as well as fundraise for additional resources in the classroom, extra-curricular activities and much needed equipment.  I know that when Kellie makes a commitment she devotes extraordinary effort to fulfill her responsibilities.  

I have known Sarah for many years and have seen her to be an active member of the community and has consistently supported our students and schools.  I know she is committed to being a positive change in the district.  

As Governing Board members, Kellie and Sarah will advocate for students, parents and staff members with the goal of making Liberty an exceptional place of learning and student achievement.  Join me in voting for Kellie Zimmerman and Sarah Schmidt for the Liberty Governing Board. 

Former Westar PTO President

Kelley Baysinger

retired Director of Finance of Liberty Elementary District, community member

This letter of endorsement is being written in support of both Kellie Zimmerman and Sarah Schmidt for Governing Board members for the Liberty Elementary School District 25. 

My name is Kelley Baysinger. I am a long-time resident of the Liberty Elementary School District 25. My children and grandchildren attended schools in the district.  In 2022, I retired from the Liberty District after 29 years of dedicated service. During my tenure as Executive Director of Finance, the district received many awards for financial accounting and financial transparency in reporting to the constituents of our district. Being fiscally responsible and using the taxpayer money wisely is of the utmost importance.  I was blessed to be surrounded by and work with persons who shared my same passion and commitment to our kids, staff, families, and community.  

One such person is Kellie Zimmerman. Kellie is a strong advocate for our students, staff and community.  Her commitment to the success of our students and the Liberty District is admirable. She has been a dedicated supporter of the Liberty District for as long as I have known her. Kellie has worked tirelessly to assist the district in any way she could. Working as the lead of the PAC foundation, she has been instrumental in the passage of the bond and override elections. She has a strong understanding of these funds and how important they are to the students, District, and the community. She also understands the importance of fiscal responsibility and the responsible use of taxpayer money. As a Board member, I have every confidence that Kellie will make decisions in the best interest of our students. Additionally, she will ensure that the district continues to be fiscally responsible and a good steward of taxpayer money. 

Sarah Schmidt has evidenced her support to the district in her many years of working with the PTO and dedicating her time in support of schools. Her experience in the education field will be invaluable as a board member. It will provide her with the background needed to understand the decisions being made and how they will impact our students.  

Overall, both Kellie and Sarah are strong candidates. Both are committed to the success of our students, staff, and the district. As Board Members, they will make decisions dedicated to that purpose. It is with confidence that I recommend and endorse both Kellie Zimmerman and Sarah Schmidt as Board Members for the Liberty Elementary School District 25. 

Katie Heir & Ashley Wright

parents & Volunteer Leaders

We are excited to endorse Kellie Zimmerman for the Liberty Governing Board.  As parents and volunteer leaders, we recognize the importance of having parents and active school community members on our school board.  Kellie believes that parent participation is an integral part of students’ educational experiences and she will safeguard the importance of parental communication and involvement as part of the district’s mission. 

 Over the past several years, we have volunteered on a weekly basis alongside Kellie in our school’s classrooms.   We know first-hand that she is committed to addressing the needs of our students and teachers at the classroom level.  She has shown her commitment at the district level over the last six years by attending the governing board meetings that are open to the public.

 As a former public school educator and current active volunteer in her children’s classrooms and schools, Kellie understands the unique challenges teachers are facing today.  We know she will continue to elevate teacher voices to ensure they have all the supports in place to provide our students with a quality education.  Join us in voting for Kellie Zimmerman for the Liberty Governing Board.  

Debra Rilley

I am strongly in support of electing Kellie Zimmerman and Sarah Schmidt to the Liberty School Board.  As a teacher in the district for 19 years and a community member for 20 years I've seen the struggles and accomplishments of this district.  Kellie and Sarah hold the interests of the students and teachers at the top of their priorities.  They genuinely want what is best for them.  These ladies have both been passionately involved in their children's education.  I know from personal experience that a quality education is what they want for all students. When they are on the school board the question they'll ask themselves before each vote will be... "Is this what is best for students?"  Please join me in voting YES for ZIMMERMAN & SCHMIDT!

Retired Liberty teacher

April & Peter Smith

As former educators who now work in the corporate world, we believe that parent involvement in schools and forming strong relationships with teachers are essential to help our children achieve their goals. This is why we are supporting Kellie Zimmerman and Sarah Schmidt for Liberty Elementary's school board. We volunteer at our kids' school each week, and we see firsthand the hard work that students and teachers are putting in. They need a school board that prioritizes our students and teachers and is genuinely supportive of their efforts. Both Kellie and Sarah are hard workers who will advocate for what is best for our children without the drama we've seen in the past year. We trust that they will focus on what truly matters—our kids' education and well-being.

Parent Volunteers

Justin Lesh

Community Member, Small Business owner

I’m happy to write this letter supporting Sarah Schmidt for the school board. I’ve known Sarah for years, both as a client and a dedicated member of our community, and she’s been nothing short of amazing. Her passion for learning and commitment to others really shines through in everything she does, especially in how she’s raising her son, Nathan, and in her interactions with everyone she meets.

Sarah has been there for my family through some tough times, and her thoughtful approach to decision-making and her dedication to supporting the community are truly admirable. I’m confident that she’ll bring that same integrity and care to the school board, ensuring our schools provide the best for our kids.

I fully support Sarah in this role and believe she’ll be an incredible advocate for all of us.

Vijal Ludlow

As a small business owner in our community, I am proud to endorse Sarah Schmidt and Kellie Zimmerman for the Liberty governing board. They both are dedicated advocates for our children and committed to quality education, inclusivity, and transparency. Their leadership and passion for fostering strong partnerships between schools and the community are exactly what we need.

I believe Sarah and Kellie will make thoughtful decisions that prioritize our students' success. Join me in supporting both candidates to create a brighter future for our children!

Community Member, Small Business owner

Erica Chitwood

I am writing to offer my wholehearted endorsement of Sarah Schmidt and Kellie Zimmerman for the Liberty Elementary School District #25 Governing Board.

Both Sarah and Kellie are exceptionally qualified candidates who are eager to serve as school board members with integrity and transparency.

Sarah, a neighbor and fellow parent, brings a wealth of experience as a former public school biology teacher. She has also served as PTO President and volunteered extensively at her son's school over the past five years. Since moving to Estrella seven years ago, I have witnessed Sarah's unwavering commitment to our community, students, and schools. Her dedication and passion make her an ideal candidate to drive positive change in the district.

Kellie, with whom I have shared school experiences for our sons at both Westar and Estrella Elementary, has demonstrated her commitment through active participation in the PTO and as a classroom volunteer. She regularly attends LESD school board meetings and has consistently advocated for parents' rights, our children's needs, and the necessity of transparency in school board decisions.

Sarah and Kellie are dedicated to upholding integrity, accountability, and transparency, always prioritizing the welfare of our children. They are driven by a genuine interest in enhancing our school district for the benefit of our students rather than personal political ambitions. As Governing Board members, Sarah and Kellie will champion the interests of students, parents, and teachers, striving to make Liberty Elementary School District #25 an exceptional environment for learning and achievement.

Please join me in supporting Sarah Schmidt and Kellie Zimmerman for the Liberty Elementary School District #25 Governing Board.

Parent & Volunteer